Tenute Camilleri Azienda Vitivinicola Siciliana Eventi Degusta il nostro vino in compagnia azienda vitivinicola sicilia vigneti Visite in Cantina Visite con degustazione e piatti siciliani Vini Siciliani Degusta i nostri vini a casa tua

Azienda Vitivinicola Sicilia

Tenute Camilleri è un’azienda vitivinicola siciliana con una ricca storia che si estende per oltre un secolo, radicata nel cuore della splendida Sicilia.

Ci dedichiamo a preservare e trasmettere la qualità dei nostri vini Siciliani attraverso esperienze coinvolgenti come le nostre visite guidate e i nostri eventi dove potrai degustare il nostro vino e i piatti della nostra cucina.

Prodotti e Servizi

Visite guidate, vini Siciliani ed Eventi nella nostra Tenuta circondata dai vigneti.

Le Tenute Camilleri sono il luogo ideale per eventi che celebrano l’ospitalità e la ricchezza culinaria siciliana. Offriamo esperienze di degustazione del vino immerse nella tradizione, accogliendo gli ospiti in un’atmosfera calorosa e autentica.



Durante il tour guidato sarai accolto con la tipica ospitalità siciliana, esplorerai i rigogliosi vigneti, scoprirai il processo di produzione del vino nella nostra cantina e assaporerai una selezione esclusiva dei nostri vini.



Nel nostro Shop potrai scoprire i nostri vini Siciliani e ordinarli per riceverli direttamente a casa tua. Buona degustazione!



Nella nostra Tenuta trascorrerai momenti unici di festa e convivialità, degustando i nostri vini accompagnati dai piatti della tradizione territoriale.

Azienda Vitivinicola Sicilia: Perché Noi?


L'Eccellenza Made in Italy

Ogni passo della produzione è intriso di maestria artigianale siciliana che garantisce non solo sapori unici e irresistibili, ma anche un legame profondo con il territorio e la tradizione enologica siciliana.


Tradizione Centenaria

Con una tradizione che si trasmette da generazioni, l'azienda è custode di antiche usanze e segreti tramandati da padre in figlio. Questo patrimonio storico si riflette nei nostri prodotti, che portano con sé la saggezza delle generazioni passate unita all'innovazione contemporanea.


Siamo una Famiglia

Ti sentirai subito accolto come un membro della nostra famiglia e verrai accompagnato alla scoperta della nostra tradizione. Ti immergerai nella vera vita agricola della Sicilia.


Tenute Camilleri
Basato su 92 recensioni
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Christian Beltz
Christian Beltz
21:49 14 Oct 23
By far the best day ever in Sicily. We organized the 3 hour tour with Roberta as our host/guide and I cannot express how much we learned about Nonno Tito, Pepe and his family and the vineyard, the olive grove and the business that they are growing. We learned about the process of making the wine, the care of the olive trees, tasted amazing olive oil, wine, almonds, cachi, spent time with Pepe, and learned so much. They really made my mother, sister and I feel like we were welcomed into their home. At the end of the afternoon, we took Roberta’s suggestion and found Milazzo’s in Naro for their amazing pastry and sfogliatelle. Thank you !!!
Maria Cristina Paternico
Maria Cristina Paternico
08:10 13 Oct 23
Wonderful and recommended experience!As soon as we arrived at the estate the first thing that struck us was the tranquility and silence of the place.The owners welcomed us immediately. Really kind and helpful people.We visited their vineyards and tasted some excellent wine accompanied by typical local products.We already knew one of their wines. But drinking directly from them and with their wonderful view took on a totally different flavour.They accompanied us step by step showing us the various vinification procedures of the various wines. Concluding the visit by tasting their Nero di Cicco directly from the French oak barrels. A truly suggestive thing.An experience definitely worth repeating.The kindness of the owners, the tranquility of the place and excellent products are the things that struck us most.
Artur Sz
Artur Sz
17:07 10 Oct 23
We had such a great time!! The tour was perfect. Without doubt I can recommend this place because of the view, taste and atmosphere ;)P.S. Dog friendly place 😀
Lotte Croonen
Lotte Croonen
10:59 07 Oct 23
We easily booked a wine tasting with Salvatore, the winemaker's son, via WhatsApp. Tenute Camilleri is the company of a very passionate family. We were shown around the beautiful vineyard and everything was explained to us in good English. After this we tasted the wines (delicious!) and received matching homemade tapas. The atmosphere was very pleasant. We would recommend it to anyone looking for a small, honest and passionate winery!
Wouter Steeneveld
Wouter Steeneveld
16:45 05 Oct 23
It was a great experience to enjoy the wine tasting + tour + food pairing!5 generous tasting glasses, a full meal of matching snacks and a great explanation and tour by Salvatore!
Andrew Mccormick
Andrew Mccormick
01:24 20 Sep 23
Our family had the pleasure of visiting this wonderful winery on a beautiful September day. We found the family to be warm, friendly and knowledgeable! We had a very informative tour with the daughter and then enjoyed a delightful wine-tasting, complete with Sicilian food specialities. It is also a gorgeous property. We highly recommend!
Giuseppe Di Maio
Giuseppe Di Maio
07:55 12 Sep 23
My friends and I did a wine tasting at this beautiful estate. What can I say, a unique experience! Mrs. Etty (I hope it's written like that) accompanied us through the vineyard and cellars, showing us all the beauty of the place. Then with Federico we drank excellent wines and tasted excellent local products. We had a lot of fun and it's an experience that I highly recommend!
patrizia catini
patrizia catini
17:26 11 Sep 23
Beautiful property, friendly owners. Excellent food not to mention the wines. They made us experience an interesting day among the vineyards
Nadine Messner
Nadine Messner
11:19 08 Sep 23
A beautiful experience with great wines - we will never forget it!
Marcello Picchiotti
Marcello Picchiotti
10:53 08 Sep 23
Unique experience!! Exceptional tasting both for the excellent products and for the welcome, availability and friendliness. In the exhibition of the production process, professionalism and passion for their work emerges.The location of the farmhouse also helps you immerse yourself in an experience where flavours, smells and views are in harmony.Thanks for all!
14:18 07 Sep 23
Ilaria Gallo
Ilaria Gallo
18:59 29 Aug 23
We tasted three delicious wines paired with typical Sicilian food and Mariachiara took us for a walk around the estate, among vineyards, olive groves and almond groves. The welcome from this family was wonderful and the place is spectacular, especially at sunset ;)I recommend this unique experience to everyone!!
Martina Sciortino
Martina Sciortino
13:02 29 Aug 23
Simply a wonderful experience. Excellent wine, plenty of food not to mention the fantastic tour in the garden (I won't spoil anything but there are some very pleasant surprises). We felt pampered in a truly magical place. You can enjoy a wonderful sunset on the terrace and a breathtaking starry sky. Vote 10 for everything!
Francesca Tuccari
Francesca Tuccari
07:48 25 Aug 23
Magical atmosphere and family welcome. Can't wait to go back! Highly recommended!
Carmelina Lipari
Carmelina Lipari
15:57 24 Aug 23
A beautiful evening dedicated to GOOD WINE?Congratulations to the Camilleri Estates
elvira di mauro
elvira di mauro
20:58 20 Aug 23
A nice place, very nice, excellent wines, beautiful panorama, excellent food.I highly recommend it. The owners very kind and available. A nice experience. Congratulations to the Camilleri family
15:56 11 Aug 23
This was such a beautiful and special experience! I can't recommend it highly enough!Maria and the whole family were so warm and welcoming. As she was taking us on a tour of the property, her father kept interjecting to make sure she showed us his beautiful vegetable gardens of eggplants, tomatoes and zucchinis. He was so proud (justifiably!).We did the Nero d'Avola vertical wine tasting. Maria and the sommelier explained every aspect of each wine, and we learned a ton! It was my understanding that each wine would be paired with "nibbles". We were presented with so much incredible food that it blew our minds (and stuffed our bellies). The one-day sun dried tomato from their garden was likely the best tomato I have ever tasted in my entire life.Then, at the end, they presented us with a bottle of their 2021 vintage and filled it directly from the barrel (it's not actually getting bottled until December). Pepe signed it and wrote a sweet message on it that we will keep and cherish.Thank you to the entire Camilleri Family for an incredible day!
15:17 09 Aug 23
(People from the UK)…We had the most amazing time and had a wonderful and personal experience. The wine and food was absolutely amazing (we have the experience of vine yards from South Africa (Le Motte etc…)). The location was quite and far from too many touristic spots so it gives it authenticity. The quality of the wine is very complex and delectable! Moreover, the experience and hospitality received was exemplary. We wholeheartedly recommend a trip here if you like fine foods, fine wine and great company ☺️? Thank you for the amazing experience!
Patrick Alkema
Patrick Alkema
20:08 20 Jul 23
This Winehouse is fantastic the feeling of friendship and the taste of the real Sicilië. Just one word amazing. The selective wines are tastefully and a good family story behind it. We have fallen in love with this.
Claudiu Fuiorea
Claudiu Fuiorea
11:33 03 Jul 23
Great experience, nice ambiance with tasty food alongside the wine tasting; Giuseppe is a great host. The extra bonus of the sunset view is priceless. We have ordered some bottles to be shipped at home and they have arrived safely within just few days. Fully recommended!
Jordan Thomas
Jordan Thomas
13:43 13 Jun 23
This is an amazing winery with spectacular views. They are so friendly. The wine taste great and is priced well. It was so good that we bought almost 4 cases to take with us. The wine tasting tour with the lunch is a great experience. I highly recommend a visit.
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